"Boo-Boo Pussycat! He fixes problems, he chases rats!/Boo-Boo Pussycat! You got a problem? He's your cat!"
Boo-Boo is a handyman with a cutesy brand. Once he shows up in person it becomes apparent that he's an unfriendly character with a gruff Brooklyn accent, an alcoholism problem, and a porn addiction.

Claudette Eugenie Pierre de Bordeaux-Rabelle was a melancholic Cajun socialite in the late 1800s. An unfortunate accident left her missing her lower half, so miserable Ms. Rabelle lives on as a melancholic phantom bound to her headstone, which resembles the large bustle of a dress...unless viewed in profile.

L-R: Cardmaster, Manchild, The Critic, PC, and Samurai
The legend that men become wizards when they remain virgins for too long is true. At age 30, each of these men gained superpowers. Yes, they all listen to Joe Rogan.